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We, at GlobalWebBrands, are no different than our clients - we too want the service or product that we pay for to work properly, so that we won't need to waste additional time in order to make it work right. This is why we decided to launch our own hosting company - so that we could provide the service that we ourselves want to use.

While most web hosting providers use the third-party cPanel as the basis of their web hosting platforms, we made the decision to use the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. The prime advantage of this hosting Control Panel is that it offers billing, web site and domain management capabilities in a single interface. This will save you the time and effort of signing in to multiple administration interfaces to manage your website. With Hepsia, you will maintain complete authority over all facets of your web presence and will be able to administer all of your web sites and domains from a single place. What's more, Hepsia was developed in-house by GlobalWebBrands and we continue to refine and update the package to make your job ever-easier.

Having an all-encompassing hosting Control Panel is a wonderful thing in web hosting, but it's not enough. We developed a cloud web hosting platform driven by the time-proven combination of Linux and Apache, which allows us to guarantee you a hassle-free web hosting experience and to offer a 99.9% network uptime guarantee!

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2Pars Enterprise