PK Domain Hosting

PK Domain Hosting

PK Domain

Address: Office # 107, 1st Floor, Sajjad Center, H3 Block, Johar Town
Lahore 54000

Phone:0092 42 35311959 Fax:N/A
PK-Domain is Pakistan based international level company who is presenting cheapest PK domain registration being an SRS member and reseller of PKNIC. Moreover if you are in need of world class quality of shared web hosting then you will not be able to find cheaper plans than ours locally and internationally but all with premium features and dedicated support.
We are the only provider in Pakistan who is provisioning Pakistan based virtual private servers with Pakistan based IP from the data center located in the capital city Islamabad. You can gain root access for Linux OS and Administrator access with windows remote desktop. More details can be found here:
As wordpress is most popular of all and easy to manage by layman even so now we are offering low cost plans with 1 time free wordpress or any script installation.
If your website is taking more resources or you want to host your apps and website without any third party involvement and also in cheapest price with maximum amount of resources then this facility is also available by us.

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